
Volume 13: American Pop!

After a 1-month hiatus (I'm sorry! I've been in the US!), I bring you my top three favorites from the US and Canada top 40 radio. I'm usually very out of touch with the music scene in the US, and for just a few weeks I'll feel relatively up to date. YAY.

I find this song to be incredibly moving. I'm not sure what it is that I like about it; a friend of mine in New Jersey absolutely hates it, and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people do, too. I think it speaks to the hearts of people who have been in this situation before, though. In a relationship that you can kinda tell may be ending, but hanging on to a strand of hope that may/may not ever prove real. I understand P!nk in this song. Sometimes it's really hard to feel like that person you "love" is worth "loving" and whether or not you still "love" each other. Every time this song came on the radio in my rental vehicle I belted it out. I think that's another reason I like it. It's in my vocal range!

Worth watching?: The video is a bit melodramatic.
Downloadable?: Definitely. It grows on you, man.

This song should not be as catchy as it is. As much as I like the African drumming thing and the ethnic vibe, her vocals are not that great and the chorus has probably been done 1,034,322 times. But oh well. I like the male backup vocals and many other things about this song. Mostly I love how strong it sounds, and anything that is electronic that can be danced to. I just like stuff like that man, I'm a goddamned pop tart after all.

Lyrics are really mismatched with the sound of the song, which is a shame. I wish she had kinda kept the spiritual Africa thing going throughout the track. Hey, you can't have everything.

Worth watching?: Dunno, haven't seen it yet.
Downloadable?: Deffo. But expect to skip it on occasion due to cheesiness.

Let me preface my praise for this song by saying that my mom does not enjoy it. Aforementioned New Jersey friend loves it, though, so that makes it okay for me to make it my jam. I will admit I was a bit drunk that day when we rocked hard to this song in her car. But that was so fun that I will always attached extreme fun to this song. I also heard it about 1 million times on my way from Maine to Toronto. So, it's engrained in my brain.

Why do I love it? I just love it. I love it. I also enjoy the premise of kinda destroying everything and going crazy because you love it so much. Also, I think this is the perfect example of 2010s music--super electro dance funky. Thumbs up from me.

Worth watching?: Yes, it's fun.
Downloadable?: Absolutely!

That's all for now, pop tarts. I'll try to keep in touch next week. Until then, keep it poppin'!

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