
Volume 4: Malaysian or not?

Yuna - Terukir Di Bintang
Not sure about this one yet. She is Malaysian, and I've never heard the language. It's a new one for me. I'm excited to listen to it a few times and see if I recognize any words. The only problem I have with the song itself...so far..is that it's something Italian sounding. With an accordion, and these overlaying synth vibes, and I'm not sure why. I would have liked to hear her voice paired with traditional southeast asian sounds, because her voice is very soothing. There is also something soothing about this piece. I'll give it another listen.

By the way, the video I've linked you to is nothing special. It seems to be shot in Rome and Venice, but is unofficial, as the title states.

Anyway, she is a beautiful creature and I like her turban. I wish I could rock that look. I mean, she's probably wearing it because she's Muslim, but you know. It's stylish.

I'm still trying to figure out why a youtuber wrote "F*CKING MALAY GRASS GOAT!" in a comment to this video. Grass goats...are they a thing? Is that a racial slur? Did this girl really do something to deserve that comment? Well, maybe. Hit me up, let me know.

Worth watching?: Maybe not, but definitely worth listening to.
Downloadable?: Well... if you don't have anything in Malay to show your friends...yeah, I might download it.

By the way, I've watched a bunch of her other vids, and I've decided I like this one's attitude best. Cute vid also, gives you a little peek into the culture.

Sleeq & Najwa Latif - Untuk Dia
Ok, I have so much to say about this I can barely contain my excitement. First off, I need to mention that this video is being promoted on youtube, which basically means someone is paying money for hits. Well I hit that.

What we have here would appear to be two teenagers chilling with a pubescent chick and partying on a lazy Sunday afternoon. They cruise around in their very expensive car asking me questions about Singapore, which I can't answer. I really don't know guys. Do I want to go to Singapore? Sure! Meanwhile, the headscarf girl continues to look uncomfortable and the wind from the car ruffles her hijab.

Is facebook really called Mukubuku in what I presume to be Malaysian? Are these guys speaking Malaysian? No wiki page, except for one in probably....Malaysian. There's also something going on with the acronym "KL...oh KL...yeah KL...."

Girl sings! Is she a girl? Wait, she is really short. Is this a joke?

Watchable?: Omg yes.
Downloadable: Doesn't seem like it.

Well! This has been a cultural experience. Turns out a lot of kids on you tube randomly mix English in with their own language. I wish I could do eso, pero parece que ana ataklm a lgha inglizia. Buyurun bay bayan!

Yep ok, that's enough.


Volume 3: Hello Goodbye, Lithuania.

Gintarė Korsakaitė - Dreaming
No! No no no no no. This is horrible and I'm panicking, if Lithuania chooses this deranged mousewoman I will be very upset. For some reason, its the favorite of two (2!) commenters on the Eurovision page. I cannot bear it. The most horrible thing ever.

She is singing a pop ballad sort of that is not catchy and is completely forgettable. Moreover, her makeup is bad and she looks like a creeper, to put it mildly.

*big sigh*

Okay, now that the vent is over. I am watching early picks from Lithuania's selection contest for Eurovision Malmö 2013. This one is so bad that I suggest you watch it ONLY so you can campaign against it. I know Lithuania can do better! Oh my god now she is talking to the interviewer and she has no grace or style whatsoever.

But, the language is cute. Too bad she didn't sing in that AS EUROVISION SINGERS WOULD ALMOST ALWAYS BE BETTER OFF DOING AHHHHHH.

I love/hate Eurovision so much it kills me. Anyway, this is just the beginning. There's a good chance that Lithuania does not send this song to Sweden, after all. Phew glad that's over.

Worth watching?: Try.
Downloadable?: Never.

Vudis ir Samanta Tina - Hey chiki - mama

Bad news. It still exists, and has the most views from that week of the selection contest in Lithuania. More than 58,000 people have subjected to this sh*t. And it actually has more likes than dislikes. I love Eurovision but this is so weird, weird crap.

The girl reminds me of Posh spice wrapped in a sour twizzler. The guy is so boring that he reminds me of a black hole. And why the hell is he saying "hey chiki mamwah?"

In short, worse than the other one I watched today. I think I'm gonna take a break from all this and just check back on Lithuania in a few weeks. Hello and goodbye Lithuania. Outlook bleak.

Worth watching?: Painful.
Downloadable?: Dear god, no.


Volume 2: Where's the party?

Trey Songz - Never Again

This song seemed promising, honestly it did. I like the fluttery sound in the background. But there's something off about the whole piece. With that said, youtubers seemed to like it.

First of all. Wow. Touching a bald guys' head is extremely creepy on screen. As is sipping a milkshake and bobbing ones' head. Then pounding the table next to it.

So, I get it. Trey is never gonna see this girl again. Is that because she is dead? If she is dead that makes me sad. Oh wait, there's a jail-like hallway. Maybe she's in jail.

Nope, that's a concert hall. Wow, how could I get those two things confused.

Okay, nothing happened in this song or video. What a waste of my spare time at work. Disappointment all around. Don't watch this.

Worth watching?: A resounding "no."
Downloadable?: Only as background music at a boring dinner party.

Kenji NMB48 - Kitagawa Kenji
Right, so, on that note. This song is moving very much fastlier..quickerly...than the previous one. But it sucks just as hard. I don't know why this exists, but it is mildly amusing. A bunch of girls in extremely colorful bows and ribbons dance extremely cutely.

If you were having trouble understanding, the lyrics are right there captioning to help you. Oh? You don't read Japanese? Well, you'll probably remain lost with this one then.

Worth watching?: yes, I suppose.
Downloadable?: To practice your DDR moves. If featured, this song will surely do a number on you.

Okay, so that's all for this week. From one pop tart to another, I wish you well.


Volume 1: Where the F*** is this guy from?

Today at gimme pop tart, I'd like to review my first two bits of pop for y'all. If you're here, I assume you've either 1) stumbled upon this blog by mistake or 2) searched the terms "retarded girl in Turkey reviews unpopular pop music."

Enough of that, let's get started.

Alexander Rybak - Leave Me Alone
Okey dokey, thanks to my good old friend Sasher, I've revisited a Eurovision favorite this evening  to have the distinct pleasure of listening to another of his violin masterpieces. Not. This kid looks charming, if you squint. His violin playing is off the wall. But what we have here is a regular piece of weirdness.

You probably remember "Fairytale" from Eurovision 2009. In that song, he was in love with an imaginary person. In "Leave Me Alone," a similar imaginary person is stalking him. Cue the weirdness.

What kind of mental institute leaves all its doors open and let's sexy girls in blue dresses walk in? Clearly, this video is not to be taken seriously.

Now, for the song: not really catchy at first, but it has its good bits if you listen closely. After listening twice, I'm classifying it as processed and uninteresting. Just one question. Where the f*** is this guy even from?

Worth watching?: YES
 Downloadable?: NO

Woodkid - Run Boy Run
Now, here's the most interesting thing I've seen on the youtube for a while. Shot in black in white, I can't seem to tell if it is artistic or artificial, and that irritates me. The faithful youtube commenters were correct in their observation that the music and the video go well together. For that, I commend Woodkid and their hero in the video, who is apparently befriended monsters to fight a war against Cloud City.

For the music, its pleasurable. The drums are excellent, reminds me of my Björk days (I'll explain that later). You'll find that the dramatic climaxing technique is very effective here. One question. Where the f*** are these guys from? In another song ("Iron," also worth watching as it is the more popular of the two), the singer DEFINITELY says "leeps" instead of "lips." Having done no research whatsoever...I'm going with French.

Worth watching?: YES+
Downloadable?: MAYBE. Give it another listen next week and decide.

Okay folks, that's all for now. Catch you next week for Volume 2 of gimme pop tart. Om nom nom.